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Internet connection of domain investor blocked for more than 12 hours daily in panaji, goa for exposing goa government FINANCIAL, BANKING, CREDIT CARD FRAUD

Allegedly bribed by the sundar pichai led google, tata, NTRO,raw, have blocked the DNS propagation of website exposing their engineering fraud in USA so that the ad network software cannot post the ad automatically.
To help google destroy competion, ntro, raw, cbi, indian and state government are also falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored goan call girl raw employees bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, gujju school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and other fraud raw/cbi employees who never answered JEE, have the resume including the btech 1993 ee degree, savings, paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, google competitor.
the engineer is exposing the fraud of the indian, state government especially the goan government which is extremely SHAMELESS, DISHONEST in its ENGINEERING, ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, DUPING people, companies and countries with its FAKE CLAIMS, while criminally defaming the engineer in the worst possible manner, in panaji, goa, denying her the fundamental rights for 8 years.
The arrogant goan officials are extremely vicious in causing losses to the engineer, they do not realize that she is a very experienced admin. So for the domain they blocked the DNS propagation of the website in the United states, so that utah escorts could not advertise
They also made it difficult for the domain investor to try other options, they blocked the internet connection almost completely in panaji, goa from 9 am to 11.30 pm at night. This forced the domain investor to work late at night, so she is feeling sleepy during the day
During the day, though she is paying for three internet connections, she is not able to download even one 1 kb during the day on some days, in panaji, goa for exposing the goa government FINANCIAL, BANKING, CREDIT CARD FRAUD. In addition to causing financial losses, the government officials are also ruthless in wasting the time of the domain investor daily, when she wastes her time trying to connect to the internet and finds that no data is downloaded, though she is paying more than Rs 550 monthly for the internet connection
If the ISPs wish, they can charge more money, yet they should provide a reliable internet connection

One hour wasted establishing internet connection in panaji, goa, yet government continues to make fake claims

One of the biggest frauds of the goa government is how it is falsely claiming that call girls, robber, cheater housewives and gujju school dropouts, their sons karan, nikhil, who are not doing any computer work at all, are online experts, domain investors to pay them monthly government salaries, while the real domain investor is criminally defamed in the worst possible manner.

Getting a reliable internet connection is extremely difficult and time consuming in panaji, goa, On 5 December 2019, the domain investor had to waste more than one hour only to establish a reliable internet connection, since raw/cbi/ntro/google, tata are hacking her internet connection to cover up their FINANCIAL, DOMAIN FRAUD for the last 10 years.

The domain investor is wasting a huge amount of time to establish a internet connection daily in panaji, goa so she does not have any time for other activities like cooking and housekeeping. Yet indicating the lack of humanity and honesty in the goan and indian government, the officials refuse to acknowledge the time taken to establish the internet connection, and shamelessly make up FAKE STORIES about the internet connection to get liars, cheaters and frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any computer work, without investing any money online

parmar dupes hathway internet that his sex queen cbi employee naina chandan, with no internet connection owns domain investors connection

On 3 December 2019, the domain investor got a phone call from mohan from hathway internet, andheri asking for naina, and renewal of the internet connection in mumbai. The powerful fraud gujju officials is so addicted to the sex services of the school dropout cbi employee sex service provider housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, that he falsely claims that she owns the internet connection, house, bank accounts of a single woman engineer who parmar and other top gujju officials hate

gujju sex queen

The fraud parmar is aware that his kolhapur born school dropout sex queen naina chandan, has mainly lived in kolhapur and panaji, goa after her illegal marriage at the age of 16, she has not lived in mumbai, yet he shamelessly makes fake claims about the internet connection of the domain investor who he hates to defame the domain investor, pamper and promote his favorite sex service provider

When will the gujju community and top officials end their internet connection, online, financial fraud and admit that gujju cbi employee naina chandan is only a school dropout who provides sex services to top gujju officials

Internet connection interrupted every few seconds due to google, tata corporate espionage in panaji, goa

Google, tata are ruthless in causing losses to a domain investor for exposing their BRIBERY, SEX RACKET for the last 10 years to avoid pay call girls for sex and bribes to top officials.
They are interrupting the internet connection of the domain investor every few seconds, to cause losses and waste her time/
She is trying to get a backup of some files from the server, yet the google, tata employees involved in corporate espionage are interrupting the connection every few seconds, wasting her time, and making it difficult to get a backup
The idea connection was not working during the day, and at night also it is very unreliable.

I Did Some Odd Jobs

By this I really mean that the job was odd. In fact I am rather sure that it was some sort of scam, although not in the sense that you want to separate money or jewels from someone. Instead I think that a friend of my boss is trying to convince this beautiful girl that he can help her with her music career. Of course I have some history in the corporate video production business. I probably did about every job that there is in that field, although I was only completely in charge of about thirty or so jobs before the company went belly up. Back then the problem was our accountant, he was having an affair with a woman with expensive tastes. The two of them bankrupted the place and then they fled. By the time that anyone knew what happened there was not a blessed thing that any of us could have done about it.

At any rate this is the sort of girl who might inspire a guy to do strange things. I would guess that she was around 21 and she has the figure of a swimsuit model, a really beautiful face as well. I did not think she was terribly bright at first thought, but she seemed willing to do what she needed to do to get what she wanted. If she wanted to be able to sing, then I do not think that anyone could do anything for her. Of course if she wanted to lipsync to another girl singing, then that was not a problem at all. All of the budget must have been spent upon make up and costumes. She had five costume changes, all of them seemed to cover less of her and this did not seem to bother any of the people making the video.

Get out of Your Comfort Zone

After recently quitting my job, I was forced back into the job search hunt. I applied to any and all companies that might even slightly be interested in me as a developer. I really came up short handed until I had to make a choice to work in mobile app development in Singapore.

This was a choice that I really went back and forth on. I wasn’t really confident in my app skills, but a company in Singapore really liked my work and wanted me on their team. They had contacted me through a job site and we had a back and forth through email from there on. They explained the company and the company values. It was small company, really just a start-up, that was involved with mental health and really helping people. The only apps that I had worked on were gaming apps, so you can imagine that I was a little confused.

When I told them about my experiences in app creation, I told them I was mainly a gaming app creator. Continue reading

Internet connection disconnected after a few seconds in panaji, goa

After bank account, online fraud exposed, internet connection getting disconnected after a few seconds
Google, tata , ntro are ruthless in harassing the domain investor after stealing her identity for 10 years
They are interrupting the internet connection after a few seconds, whenever she is connecting to the internet
For a few days, when these officials thought they could take over the business, the airtel connection was working properly
now it is again giving an error, getting disconnected after a few seconds, allegedly disconnected by fraud shivalli brahmin officials who have got their relative nayanshree hathwar, a monthly raw salary, faking bank, paypal,iwriter account ownership

Internet connection extremely slow in panaji, goa on 9 October 2019

One of the greatest frauds in the internet sector, is how ntro is falsely claiming that raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money or time, own the internet connection, domains, paypal account of a private citizen to get the raw/cbi employees a monthly salary without doing any work, without investing any money online at all, while CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the private citizen who they all hate
Usually the Idea connection is fast in panaji, however on 9 october 2019, the connection is extremely slow at around 1.55 pm , it is very difficult to open any page
ntro, raw, cbi are always commenting on the house of the domain investor, private citizen whose bank account their employees FALSELY CLAIM to own to get a monthly salary without doing any computer work.
They forget that a lot of time is spent to do any work online, especially when the internet connection is slow, which the BANKING FRAUDSTER raw/cbi employees do not spend on the computer. Hence they have plenty of time to keep the house in perfect condition.
When the raw/cbi employees are not spending any time doing computer work and not investing any money in domains, why is the indian, state government in 5 states CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor, falsely claiming that the internet connection, paypal, bank account belongs to raw/cbi employees who are not spending any time and also not investing any money online.
when the Internet connection extremely slow in panaji, goa on 9 October 2019, they forget the huge amount of time which is wasted when they compare the domain investor, with housewives, call girls who have zero online income, yet get a very good government salary only for making FAKE CLAIMS, and are supported by google, tata in their fraud

When internet connection is very slow, why are raw/cbi falsely claiming that their employees own the business of a private citizen

NTRO/raw/cbi are not helping the domain investor in any way in august 2019, she is treated just like any other indian citizen, and her internet connection is very slow. The Idea, BSNL connection is getting interrupted after one minute or less in panaji, goa , she is wasting a lot of time due to the slow connection

Yet ntro, raw, cbi continue with their great fraud of falsely claiming that lazy greedy liar fraud raw/cbi employees like the slim goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, offering sex services to ntro employees, who does not spend any time and money online, own the business, paypal, bank account to pay all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary and ROB THE CORRESPONDENCE of the domain investor without a legally valid reason

It is time that the raw/cbi employees end their fraud of falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a private citizen, they should open their own paypal, bank account instead of continuing with the BANKING FRAUD

When internet connection is very slow, why are raw/cbi falsely claiming that their employees own the business of a private citizen

NTRO/raw/cbi are not helping the domain investor in any way in august 2019, she is treated just like any other indian citizen, and her internet connection is very slow. The Idea, BSNL is getting interrupted after one minute or less in panaji, goa , she is wasting a lot of time due to the slow connection

Yet ntro, raw, cbi continue with their great fraud of falsely claiming that lazy greedy liar fraud raw/cbi employees like the slim goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, offering sex services to ntro employees, who does not spend any time and money online, own the business, paypal, bank account to pay all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary and ROB THE CORRESPONDENCE of the domain investor without a legally valid reason

It is time that the raw/cbi employees end their fraud of falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a private citizen, they should open their own paypal, bank account instead of continuing with the BANKING FRAUD