For some time, BSNL was the cheapest prepaid internet connection company in India
However they have revised the schemes in January 2018
Earlier the Rs 444 scheme was valid for 90 days
Now Rs 444 offer it is valid for only 60 days
So for a month , the charges are Rs 222 which is more than the airtel offer of Rs 199 for 28 days
A review of the BSNL speed in 2018 will be posted in a few days time.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Saving Our Trees After a Severe Storm
We have been experiencing a lot of severe thunderstorms with high winds in the last week due to the outer bands of a hurricane in our area. I have several very old trees in my yard and one took a hit from lightning and practically split the tree in half. I’m not sure if the tree can be saved or not and need to enlist the help of a professional company that specializes in tree service in Nassau County. I hope whoever I hire can salvage the tree but I am open to listening to their professional opinion since this is way out of my comfort zone.
I’m not the only one on the block that has had this problem and we all got together to discuss the best company to help us with our trees. A couple names were thrown around but one was mentioned more than the rest and we all decided to call that one. Before calling, we made a list of all of the properties that need to be looked at along with the names of the residents. Continue reading
Google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee Sex worker sunaina falsely claims to own freecharge, BSNL account of google competitor
The sundar pichai led google deserved the Rs 136 crore fine from CCI because it is openly and brazenly involved in a major sex, bribery racket, falsely claiming that the Google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee Sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, offering sex services to top indian government, ntro cbi employees own the freecharge and BSNL account of the google competitor
The sundar pichai led google along with tata has been extremely vicious in defaming, cheating and exploiting the google competitor, bribing the shameless fraud sex starved ntro employees to put the google competitor under surveillance and then falsely claiming that any google tata supplied sex worker sunaina, siddhi, cheater housewife veena and other fraud offering bribes is doing work online, investing money online , owning domains including this one.
Bank records, income tax returns will easily prove that google,tata, ntro, cbi,raw are involved in a major online fraud, sex, bribery racket since 2010, yet they refuse to end the fraud, forcing the google competitor to explicitly mention the sex racket
For using 10-50 MB of internet data transfer daily, google, tata, NTRO steal and keep retirement savings of harmless single woman engineer
The minister of information and broadcasting said that access to the internet is a fundamental right for all indian citizens , yet in 2017, in panaji, goa, for using 10-15 MB of internet data daily, google, tata, NTRO steal and keep retirement savings of harmless single woman engineer without a court order or legally valid reason.
In one of the greatest online frauds, the ntro employees are clearly discriminating against the harmless google competitor when they are wasting resources, expensive million dollar equipment to hack her laptop intentionally to waste her time and money.
Other indians, especially employees are using 100-700 mb of internet data daily without being harassed, only the harmless google competitor is being targetted by ntro since 2010 wasting crores of indian tax payer money.
The google competitor has not been able to connect using the bsnl connection on 28 November 2017 since 5 am despite wasting hours of her time.
NTRO employees falsely claim google,tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan, not spending any money online own Freecharge and BSNL account of google competitor
Though R&AW has officially admitted on quora in december 2017, that google,tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc has been hired only for her SEX services for NTRO employees, these sex worker pampering NTRO employees led by light eyed brahmin fraud domlur director puneet, j srinivasan, tata, google employees continue with their endless online SEX, bribery racket duping people that the slim goan bhandari panaji prostitute sunaina chodan, who does not spend any money online (proved by INCOME TAX, BANK DETAILS) owns the Freecharge and BSNL account of the google competitor.
These false rumors pampering a world famous goan sex worker sunaina , only to defame, cheat and exploit the google competitor shows the true nature of the sundar pichai led google as an extremely unethical company which is shamelesly defaming indian women domain investors and duping people that sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds own their bank account.Voice to skull technology is used by the sex worker pampering ntro employees to harass the google competitor
Unless the domain investor will explicitly specify the Freecharge and BSNL account fraud of the NTRO employees enjoying R&AW employee sunaina’s sex services , these shameless powerful men will continue to dupe a large number of people, companies, countries with their complete lies, as they have done for the last 8 years, wasting indian tax payer money.
Google, tata sponsored Bengaluru shivalli BRAHMIN FRAUD RAW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar falsely claims to own internet connection of google competitor she looted
In 2018 google ceo sundar pichai should be labelled the top online fraudsters in the world, as google is involved in endlesss online frauds on its rivals in India and elsewhere falsely claiming that goan sex worker sunaina, siddhi, fraud housewives like indore document R&AW employee robber veena, goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak, an extortionist who looks like actress kangana ranaut, nayanshree hathwar who never answered JEE, who do not spend any money online, have the impressive resume, including btech 1993 ee degree investment, own the bank account, paypal account of the google competitor to get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor.
The light eyed brahmin fraud sex worker pampering domlur director ntro employee puneet like j srinivasan should also be stripped of his btech 1993 ee degree for his endless frauds on the google competitor, his btech 1993 ee classmate , In addition to stealing the resume, savings, correspondence, memory of the google competitor, sexually harassing, stalking, defaming, cheating the harmless single woman engineer, he is also falsely claiming that his lazy fraud girlfriend, Google, tata sponsored Bengaluru shivalli BRAHMIN FRAUD RAW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, wife of a tata power electronics employee, who does not spend any money , falsely claims to own internet connection of google competitor she looted and refused to reply
When the Google, tata sponsored Bengaluru shivalli BRAHMIN FRAUD RAW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar is not spending any time and money online , why does she falsely claim to own internet connection of google competitor she looted to get a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the google competitor, an obc bhandari single woman engineer
Google, tata sponsored GOAN GSB FRAUD cbi employee panaji extortionist housewife riddhi nayak falsely claims to own Airtel connection of google competitor
google ceo sundar pichai should be labelled the top online fraudsters in the world, as google is involved in endlesss online frauds on its rivals in India and elsewhere falsely claiming that goan sex worker, fraud housewives like indore document R&AW employee robber veena, goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak, an extortionist who looks like actress kangana ranaut who never answered JEE, who do not spend any money online, have the impressive resume, investment, own the bank account, paypal account of the google competoitor to get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor.
The church in goa, is rightly comparing the condition of people in goa to that of nazi germany because the goan gsb fraud mafia in intelligence and security agencies like caro, mandrekar,nayak, bhandari pritesh chodan, are shameless section 420 frauds and liars falsely claiming that their lazy greedy section 420 fraud sex worker, cheater housewife relatives and friends like riddhi siddhi, sunaina, veena, asmita pateldxr and others , who do not spend any money online, own the internet connnection, paypal , bank account of the google competitor
NTRO mumbai is aware of the Google, tata sponsored GOAN GSB FRAUD cbi employee panaji extortionist housewife riddhi nayak is not doing any work, however the goan gsb fraud mafia has no SELF RESPECT , are extremely shameless liars and frauds , making fake claims to dupe people
So just because the goodlooking goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak has SEDUCED/ honeytrapped a powerful fraud ntro employee vijay to give FAKE REFERENCES of a btech 1993 ee degree, the shameless cheater riddhi nayak ,. who does not want to spend any time and money online, is falsely claiming to own the Airtel connection of the harmless google competitor as part of the never ending goan online, financial fraud to get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the broke google competitor
An open challenge to Google, tata sponsored shameless lazy greedy GOAN GSB FRAUD cbi employee panaji extortionist housewife riddhi nayak who looks like actress kangana ranaut to file a defamation case against the domain investor as she and her relatives, friends are famous world wide as SHAMELESS LIARS AND FRAUDS, who cannot even pay for an internet connection of their own , yet falsely claim to own the airtel connection of a harmless single woman bhandari engineer is a classic example of BRAHMIN ATROCITIES
Prepaid internet connection expose the fraud of the paypal, online fraud of the google,tata, ntro employees
As part of the never ending online fraud masterminded by google,tata since 2010, the shameless section 420 fraud ntro employees are falsely claiming that 10 google, tata sponsored sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are working online when actually these lazy greedy cheater women indian government employees are not spending any money on the hardware or recurring expenses paid to the ISP, yet shamelessly and falsely claiming to own the internet connection, paypal, bank account of the google competitor to get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor
These shameless greedy women and their powerful sugar daddies in NTRO like j srinivasan, puneet, parmar, patel, vijay are aware of the fact that the R&AW/cbi employees are not spending any time or money online, yet being the greatest section 420 frauds in the world , they are putting the google competitor under surveillance and falsely claim that the google, tata supplied sex workers, fraud R&AW/cbi employees, who are actually doing their household work, are working online.
On 27 January 2017, the prepaid internet connection of the google competitor was exhausted, so she could not connect to the internet, this clearly indicated that bribed by google, tata ntro employees in panaji, goa are involved in a major online fraud, making fake claims about internet connection ownership for personal gain, so that their sex partners, relatives can get a monthly government salary without doing any work, without spending any money online.
Sex worker, fraud pampering, bribe taking NTRO, R&AW, cbi employees refuse to acknowledge internet expenses of google competitor
One of the greatest online frauds in India is how the Sex worker, fraud pampering, bribe taking NTRO, R&AW, cbi employees refuse to acknowledge the many internet expenses of the google competitor and also the effort required .
Internet access is not free in India, an internet user has to spend a lot of time and money to get connected to the internet, yet the top officials are shameless section 420 frauds when they falsely claim that goan sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees who do not spend any money online on domains, webhosting, internet expenses, do not do any work online, are working online.
The ISPs will provide internet connectivily only for the period for which they are being paid, if the google competitor does not pay the connection will be disconnected, and it will not be possible to connect to the internet at all
NTRO block internet connection after their SEX, bribery racket was exposed
After their sex, bribery racket was exposed NTRO employees blocked internet connection of google competitor
It appears that google, tata’s great online, sex racket, financial fraud on google competitor was finally exposed at a domainers conference after the termination of Mitsu contract, everyone became aware of the fact that NTRO falsely claimed google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds who were not spending any money online owned the domain names of the google competitor to pay all these frauds a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor.
Actually domain investors should have realized this many years earlier, because if the raw/cbi employees, lazy greedy frauds were actually paying for the domain names, they would have full control of the domain names and not post disclaimers complaining about the sex, bribery racket, financial fraud. However the fraud ntro employees like j srinivasan were very convincing frauds and liars and most people were duped by their lies
After the mitsu termination, .in domain investors started relooking at inregistry and nixi in a new way as the official reason was not declared and they realised that only the real domain investor who has spent money will be affected , not the google, tata supplied sex workers, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/CBI employees faking domain ownership