Author Archives: admin

Slow internet connection on 9 september 2016

On one hand the indian government is making loud claims about digital india, yet india’s largest female domain investor is getting a speed of less than 10 Kbps (slower than dialup connection) on 9 september 2016.
The domain investor only wanted to check an email account, to check whether a customer had paid as promised, however it is extremely difficult to use the internet connection as it is very slow .
Checking a single email account is taking more than 30 minutes due to ultra slow internet connection

The domain investor is using 3 different internet connections BSNL, Idea and Airtel, for all the connections the same speed problem is observed indicating that NTRO may be involved in the sabotage
Instead of wasting time connecting to the internet it is better to work offline

NTRO hacks BSNL connection to promote google, tata’s goan obc bhandari SEX worker R&AW employee sunaina chodnekar

To defame and deny opportunities to a harmless google competitor, domain investor, NTRO, CBI, R&AW and the indian government are falsely claiming that google, tata’s slim goan obc bhandari SEX worker R&AW employee sunaina chodnekar 2013 bsc recruited by R&AW only for SEX is an online expert, domain investor, so that indian government can waste indian tax payer to pay google, tata ‘s SEX workers for SEX , while the real domain investor is not getting any help despite paying all the expenses.
In reality google, tata’s favorite sex worker sunaina,does no work online, does not spend any money online she only offers SEX services to top NTRO employees who then falsely that their sex partner is an online expert, To ensure that google, tata masterminded sex trade is not exposed, the NTRO employees receiving SEX services from google, tata’s sex workers are periodically hacking the laptop, internet connection of the google competitor, who goan sex worker sunaina is impersonating to get a monthly R&AW salary .
On 7 May 2017, the micromax laptop and BSNL connection of the google competitor was again hacked by the ntro employees receiving SEX services from google, tata’s sex worker R&AW employee sunaina. Though connected there was no data transfer, and the laptop also stopped working