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Goa government computer work, BANKING fraud leads to internet connectivity problems for citizens

allegedly bribed by sundar pichai led google, tata the EXTREMELY CORRUPT goa government is openly involved in a massive computer work fraud, refusing to acknowledge hardworking harmless citizens, private citizens who are actually doing computer online work, and falsely claims that their paypal, bank account belongs to the sex service provider, robber, cheater raw/cbi employees
Goan government and society is so devoid of honesty and humanity, especially some sections, that they will openly HUMILIATE, defame, cheat, exploit the hardworking skilled citizens. In an extremely audacious fraud of the goan intelligence and security agencies they are falsely claiming that the greedy panaji gujju fraudster brother raw/cbi employees nikhil, karan, who do not spend any money on domains, own the websites where SEX news of their school dropout mother panaji gujju sex queen naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh is posted
In reality raw/cbi are paying panaji gujju sex queen naina chandan (like goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar) and her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil a monthly salary only because of the excellent SEX SERVICES which naina chandan offers top ntro/raw employees like nikhil sha, parmar, tushar parekh, yet the goa government SHAMELESSLY, falsely claims that nikhil, karan are paid salaries for regularly posting news of the extra marital affairs, sex services of their school dropout mother naina.

Due to the government financial fraud, the real domain investor is losing Rs 15 lakh annually for the last 10 years, so she is protesting loudly. Instead of acknowledging its computer work fraud and correcting it, the goa government is blocking the internet connection during the day of the domain investor in panaji, goa

So though there is plenty of work available ,the domain investor cannot do the work, because of the blocked internet connections in panaji, goa, after the ntro, raw, cbi computer work fraud was exposed and the goa government’s refusal to acknowledged skilled hardworking citizens actually doing computer work, getting paid by customers outside india.

Compared to Mumbai, internet connection in panaji, goa is very slow

The domain investor is getting smses for many webinars from philamart, mutual funds. However those sending the smses do not realize that the internet connection in other places, like panaji, goa is very slow, unlike Mumbai where it is very reliable.
For example from 12 pm noon onwards on all days of the week the internet connection in panaji, goa is extremely slow,.
It is very difficult to open any website till 9.30 – 10 pm at night
When it is not possible to open any HTML page due to the slow internet connection, attending a webinar is out of question, the computer is only a typewriter

NTRO refuses to monitor the the internet connection of their favorite school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, and her family, in work at home fraud.

why is ntro not monitoring the internet connection of their favorite school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, and her family

Ntro has got their favorite school dropout cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, and her family, especially lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, raw/cbi jobs for claiming that the panaji gujju sex queen naina, her sons, who are not doing any computer work,do not invest money in domains, are online experts, domain investors, owning the domains, bank account of a single woman domain investor who the gujju fraudsters hate

ntro is closely monitoring the internet connection of the domain investor since 2010, falsely claiming that they are worried about honesty, based on the fake complaints of the gujju sex addict raw employee tushar parekh. Yet in a clear example of discrimination, ntro refuses to monitor the internet connection of their favorite school dropout naina chandan

A few months ago, naina chandan’s lazy fraud sons have got a cable internet connection, and the cable is connected to the house. If ntro employees were really honest, they should be monitoring the cable conection, of the panaji sex queen naina and her sons, to find out what exactly they are doing online.

Instead ntro, raw, cbi are only blindly repeating the complete lies of the ntro employee nikhil sha who is addicted to sex with naina chandan, and is making up fake stories of paid computer work.

Internet connection surveillance would clearly expose that the panaji gujju sex queen and her sons are mainly playing games online, watching movies, they do not do any paid work , yet are allowed to continue with their work at home fraud.

panaji cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro continues with with her airtel connection, online ,FINANCIAL fraud

Like the other google, tata sponsored LAZY GREEDY FRAUD raw/cbi employees FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, ruchika kinge no one has stopped the SHAMELESS LAZY GREEDY LIAR panaji cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut, solange from getting her own airtel connection, paying the monthly expenses for the airtel connection and using it .
Yet continuing, the massive WORK AT HOME, online fraud of the sundar pichai led google, tata, the ruthless robber riddhi nayak caro continues with with her airtel connection, online ,FINANCIAL fraud, shamelessly and falsely claiming to own the airtel connection, sim of a single woman domain investor, private citizen, who she, her LIAR husband caro, father nayak, CRIMINALLY DEFAME, hate

Surveillance will prove that well paid greedy LIAR cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro like other housewives is mainly cooking, housekeeping and enjoying herself, relies on powerful fraud LIAR father nayak, husband caro, sugar daddy NTRO employee vijay, to closely monitor a hardworking single woman domain investor, CRIMINALLY DEFAME her and shamelessly, falsely claim to own the internet connection in another government fraud,

Shameless greedy fraud cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro, falsely claims to own the airtel connection of single woman domain investor she, her husband and father CRIMINALLY DEFAME, HATE

In another of the endless work at home frauds of the sundar pichai led google, tata, Shameless greedy fraud cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut, solange, falsely claims to own the airtel connection of single woman domain investor she, her husband caro and father CRIMINALLY DEFAME, HATE to get a monthly cbi salary and great powers at the expense of the single woman engineer since 2013.
While getting the internet connection, documents have to provided, yet indicating the widespread fraud in the indian internet sector, the google, tata sponsored shameless greedy fraud cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro is falsely claiming to own the airtel connection of a hardworking single woman domain investor, to cheat, EXPLOIT her for the rest of her life.

To ensure that her internet connection fraud is not exposed, riddhi nayak caro and her family, especially husband, father are extremely aggressive in criminally defaming the single woman in the worst possible manner, making up 100% FAKE STORIES to destroy the single woman’s credibility and reputation completely, so that no one believes in the single woman, though she is telling the truth

Like the other fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, cbi employee riddhi nayak caro, is not on talking terms with the single woman domain investor, yet shamelessly and falsely claims to own her paypal, bank account, domain names, after destroying her credibility completely with the help of her liar husband,father.

Due to coronavirus, many people are working at home, and when they are not treated as criminals, why should the domain investor be treated as a criminal so that the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy raw/cbi employees who do not spend time doing computer work, get credit and monthly government salary.

Internet blockage continues in panaji, goa for domain investor after aloe vera leaf robbery video is stored on laptop

Indicating the endless harassment of the domain investor in panaji, goa for exposing a massive BANKING, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SEX, BRIBERY RACKET in the indian internet sector, the internet connection remains blocked in panaji, goa on 27 February also
The iball laptop is hanging, everytime it is connected to the internet, and there is some manual intervention, since the hacking increases during the day after 9 am in the morning when ntro employees are in their office.
the main trigger was probably the aloe vera leaf robbery video featuring gujju school dropout cbi employee naina chandan’s sari wearing servant
This is another example of discrimination and harassment of the government agencies in goa, all other citizens can access the internet connection, only three internet connections of the domain investor are blocked almost completely for more than 48 hours,

Despite paying Rs 249 for idea connection, it is not working in panaji, goa

Indicating the extreme harassment of exporters, domain investors in panaji, goa, the idea connection of the domain investor is not working on 26 february 2020 despite paying Rs 249 for the prepaid connection on the same day
Since 1 pm whenever the dongle is connected the iball laptop is hanging , wasting the time of the domain investor repeatedly . The same problem is faced for the bsnl dongle in panaji, goa
this shows the extreme hatred of the ntro employees
So it is not possible to even inform the hosting company that payment has been made , one hour is wasted
it is a clear case of abuse of power to humiliate and cause losses to a harmless private citizen for exposing a major SEX, BRIBERY RACKET

Government blocks internet connection of real exporters in panaji, goa resulting in decline in exports from india

the times of india reported that the exports from India declined in december 2019, however it does not have the honesty to report the problems of the real exporters from india.
For example the domain investor is an exporter which she can legally prove , however the goa and indian government refuses to acknowledge that she is the exporters and falsely claims that various sex service providers, housewives, robbers and other frauds /cbi employees like karan, nikhil raw with no online income, are owning her paypal, bank account. Additionally since december 2019, the goa government has blocked the internet connection of the domain investor from 1.45 pm till 10 pm or later daily
Hence the domain investor, cannot access the internet at all for more than 9-10 hours, or has to waste a huge amount of time since the connection is very slow.
She cannot even send emails,
The entire exports are online, yet the indian government is doing everything to reduce the revenues of real exporters, reducing the exports of the country, blocking their internet connection for most of the working day
The focus on harassing hardworking honest people has caused many of economic problems faced.

After goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan’s computer work fraud exposed, internet connection blocked during the day in panaji, goa

with the help of LIAR ntro employees like j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, google, tata were able to continue with goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan’s computer work, banking fraud for 8-10 years without being questioned at all, though sunaina did not have a computer at home.
Only in 2019 after the domain investor is repeating the proof of the banking, computer work fraud repeatedly, the google, tata officials are finally realizing that their great computer work at home fraud is exposed, people are questioning their lies.
So after goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan’s computer work fraud is exposed, the internet connection is blocked during the day in panaji, goa after december 10, 2019. Now even to place amazon orders, the domain investor has to wait till late at night or early morning.

SHAMELESS LAZY GREEDY LIAR young panaji gujju fraudsters raw/cbi employees karan, nikhil get the internet connection of domain investor blocked during the day for exposing their BANKING, ONLINE FRAUD

R&AW/cbi showed that they are the most incompetent and corrupt intelligence agencies hiring the SHAMELESS LAZY GREEDY LIAR young panaji gujju fraudsters raw/cbi employees karan, nikhil based on complete LIES of SEX addict ntro/raw employees parmar, nikhil sha, tushar parekh, who are so addicted to SEX with the school dropout mother of nikhil, karan, naina chandan ( who looks like sneha wagh) that they will shamelessly lie

The shameless liar sex addict ntro/raw employees falsely claimed that their sex queen naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons, nikhil, karan,who were not doing any computer work and do not invest any money online, were domain investors, owned the bank account, domains of the real domain investor, a single woman engineer who they hated and criminally defamed.

The engineer protested loudly against the banking, real estate fraud, and while the bribe taking goa intelligence and security agencies did not take any action, it appears that ntro in other states has noticed the fraud. If the domain investor was not telling the truth, ntro in other states may have initiated action since it woud be spread false rumor. So in other states, especially those not ruled by the BJP, ntro took the trouble to verify the fact. Though in goa, people shamelessly lie, it appears that intelligence agencies in multiple states are verifying whether the domain investor is telling the truth

So the fraud liar nikhil was extremely angry that his banking, online fraud was exposed, and he with the help of his mothers lovers nikhil sha, tushar parekh and parmar, has blocked the internet connection during the day, for all three internet connection, only one page opens and then it stops working.