Though the sex, financial racket of google, tata, ntro, cbi employees has continued for more than 5 years , the indian government employees continue to think that their sex racket of falsely claiming that the google tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, only interested in SEX is working online will never be exposed.
On 27 August 2017, as the domain investor exploited in the google, tata sex racket tried to get help, in panaji, goa the BSNL internet connection again got disconnected as the google, tata, ntro employees tried to cover up their great goan sex racket
Author Archives: admin
Instead of monitoring internet of troublemakers,NTRO employees monitor google competitor to enjoy FREE SEX with google, tata controlled R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina
The disturbances in multiple states causing shutdown due to the supporters of baba gurmeet ram rahim clearly indicate the misplaced priorities of NTRO as they are unable to monitor the whatsapp and social media message of the followers of the godman, allowing 2.5 lakh supporters of the godman assemble at different places, instead they are too busy monitoring the internet connection of a google competitor, domain investor since 2010, so that the NTRO employees can enjoy FREE SEX with the lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, get a monthly salary for their lazy greedy relatives, friends and others at the expense of the google competitor.
Google, tata, ntro, cbi, indian government, cia, nsa’s favorite R&AW employee SEX WORKER sunaina does no work online, does not invest any money online which can be proved checking her financial records. . However if ntro, cbi and other indian government employees do not want to pay commercial sex workers from the monthly indian government salary they are getting and enjoy free sex with google, tata’s favorite prostitute R&AW employee sunaina, her PIMPS in google, tata, have told ntro, cbi employees that they must abuse their powers and false claim that sex queen sunaina ,only interested in sex is working online
As it is proved that google, tata’s favorite sex worker R&AW employee sunaina is only interested in having sex with powerful men, not in doing any work online or investing money online or in hardware (though ntro employees have duped hewlett packard about their pampered prostitute).The ntro employees if honest would not be able to provide any proof of the online work, investment of their favorite sex worker, as it can be legally proved that she is only a lazy greedy mediocre goan sex worker supplied to top officials by google, tata as bribes. The R&AW employee sex worker sunaina has also been boasting in panaji, goa that she is not doing any work online.
So as part of the sex racket masterminded by google, tata, the ntro, raw, cbi employees are closely monitoring all the activities, especially online work, of a google competitor, india’s largest female domain investor and then falsely claiming that their favorite goan sex worker is doing the work online so that she gets a monthly R&AW salary for having sex. To ensure that their sex racket is not exposed, google, tata, ntro, cbi employees are then defaming the google competitor, refusing to give her credit for the time and money she is spending online, allowing them to enjoy lifetime FREE SEX with google, tata’s sex worker R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi
It is time that the government reviews the activities of the ntro employees and who they are monitoring.
Mobile internet suspended in Haryana and Punjab
Now it appears that due to court verdict on Baba RamRahim in a case regarding rape charges against him, mobile internet has been suspended in Haryana and Punjab according to television reports on 24 August 2017. There has been a massive build up of people in the different cities in the states, which the police claim was spread via social media so internet was banned.
It appears that in most part of north india internet services are suspended periodically whenever there is any sign of trouble and whatsapp is being used extensively.
It also indicates the misplaced priorities of indian security and intelligence agencies, cbi, ntro, that they are wasting crores of tax payer money annually for stalking, harassing and torturing a harmless google competitor, domain investor who cannot even mobilize 10 people , and refusing to find out how religious leaders like Ram rahim are mobilizing thousands of people causing unrest in multiple states in India.
Even rickshaw drivers use the internet more than the google competitor in 2017
Google, tata, ntro, cbi, are falsely justifying the endless atrocities, theft of savings, resume, correspondence, and memory of a harmless google competitor, domain investor, without a court order or legally valid reason, falsely claiming that she is addicted to the internet .
However in 2017, it is observed that a large number of people including rickshaw drivers have smart phones, which they are using continuously through out the day, compared to the broke google competitor who cannot afford a usable smartphone , after her samsung galaxy grand smartphone were allegedly stolen by R&AW employees nayanshree hathwar, siddhi mandrekar and their associates when kept for charging.
Like those making fake allegations against the infosys ceo vishal sikka, the ntro, cbi, google, tata employees making fake allegations of internet addiction against the google competitor do not have the courage and honesty to face her, or even provide any evidence of internet addiction in terms of number of hours spent online, data transfer, yet they have wasted a huge amount of indian tax payer money since 2010, stalking, sexually harassing the harmless domain investor
NTRO hacking makes webhosting email disappear
In a clear indication of the high level ntro hacking of harmless indian paypal account holders, the ntro employees are abusing their powers to delete emails from the server.
For example on 14 August 2017, at 10.48 pm, a webhosting company had sent an email regarding change in name servers and server . On 15 August 2017, at around 4 am, the email was visible in the webmail interface.
However at around 9 am on the same day, though the domain investor and paypal account had not deleted the email, it had disappeared from the mailbox . It was not even available in the deleted mails folder, indicating that either the browser had been hacked or ntro employees have deleted the email using the BSNL connection
NTRO monitoring internet connection of indian paypal account holders to increase corporate profits
In a clear case of discrimination against harmless indian paypal account holders, domain investors, NTRO is closely monitoring their internet connection to increase corporate profits, denying them the privacy they require and often sabotaging the payment that they should be receiving from foreign customers.
Companies like google, tata are allegedly extremely miserly frauds to invest their own money in paying for domain names, webhosting for researching the demand for online products and services, so they have bribed the extremely corrupt top ntro, cbi, security agency employees to make completely fake allegations without any proof against the indian paypal account holders, to put them under surveillance for more than 7 years since 2010, wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money in the process.
The surveillance is also being used to close the account, block the payment especially when the tortured paypal account holder complains about the human rights abuses he or she is subjected to by the cruel criminal NTRO, security agency employees, causing great financial losses to the real paypal account holder and increasing the profit of corporates like google, tata as they get free access to the research of well qualified experienced brilliant indian citizen, without investing any money in domain names, webhosting and salaries.
Internet connection slows after tata sponsored fraud st inez housewife nisha dsa is exposed
St inez cheater housewife nisha dsa, mother of a daughter studying in red rosary, residing on the sixth floor, riding a scooter, is another google, tata sponsored St inez cunning lazy greedy criminal fraud who the shameless section 420 fraud google, tata employees falsely claim is an online expert and domain investor to give give the greedy criminal housewife nisha dsa great powers in st inez area
Income tax returns will easily prove that the greedy google, tata sponsored goan cheater housewife nisha dsa who has short hair, tied in pony tail, oily skin and usually wears a tshirt with jeans, cullottes , does not do any work online and does not invest any money online relies on the shameless criminal fraud tata, google employees to waste indian tax payer money to dupe people with their complete lies
The google competitor who has been defamed by the fraud liar tata employees, who are promoting crook nisha, again exposed st inez crook nisha dsa and her husband for their lies on 4 August 2017, and the internet connection, immediately became very slow, the domain investor could not open any page at all, clearly indicating that a powerful criminal gang is promoting the lazy greedyd st inez crooked housewife nisha dsa, whose daughter studies in red rosary.
When cheater housewife nisha dsa is least interested in doing any work online, why are the fraud google, tata employees so eager to promote her, and defame the google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, hacking her internet connection.
BSNL internet connection redirecting to craigslist bangladesh
In one of the most vicious cases of defamation of a google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, in panaji, goa BSNL is redirecting to craigslist bangladesh. Usually craigslist will redirect to the local craigslist, it should be craigslist goa or craigslist India.
However in an identity theft attempt allegedly masterminded by google, tata, CIA, NTRO, CBI, indian government employees are defaming the real google competitor and obc single woman engineer as a illegal bangladeshi migrant and falsely claiming google, tata sponsored goan R&AW employees PROSTITUTES sunaina chodnekar 2013 bsc, goan gsb fraud 2012 diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, veena, ruchika king, cbi employees goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina, and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who never answered JEE, have the resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment of the real google competitor, india’s largest female domain investor to pay all these google, tata sponsored frauds a monthly indian government salary.
Now it is clear that the ntro employees led by puneet, j srinivasan, vijay hate their female btech 1993 ee classmate, so they are defaming her in the worst possible manner, calling her anything they feel like, to ruin her reputation, without any proof at all. So the domain investor and google competitor has decided to ignore all the malicious slander of the fraud ntro employees, however to increase the profit of the american company google, CIA, NSA continue to defame, the google competitor as being connected to bangladesh, when there is no connection at all.
This is a clear indication of how internet usage is used to mentally harass the google competitor by the american intelligence agencies, CIA, NSA
BSNL internet connection used to download scripts
In another case of abuse of power of NTRO employees in panaji, goa, a google competitor, link seller finds that NTRO is downloading scripts for hacking the micromax laptop whenever the bsnl connection is being used to waste time,cause financial losses. On 23 July 2017, at around 6.30 pm it is not even possible to open the internet explorer/microsoft edge page, as the mouse is not moving due to hacking of ntro employees .
This problem has become very severe forcing the internet user to reduce internet usage to the extent possible.
Any information to block the hacking or identify the employees involved will be appreciated
Intentional sabotage of domain sales on forums by NTRO, tata, google, cbi employees
It appears that NTRO is closely monitoring all the activities of a google competitor whose resume, investment, correspondence and memory they have stolen without a court order since 2010 as NTRO employees have been bribed with money, sex, jobs for their relatives and friends.
It is extremely difficult to sell any domain name for even $1 on forums as the fraud cbi, ntro, google, tata employees are telling extremely malicious stories defaming the google competitor. However when the domain is listed for sale at a marketplace with the price allowing the buyer to automatically purchase, many domain names are getting sold indicating that ntro, google, tata, cbi are intentionally sabotaging all domain sales where human intervention is required
For example in June 2017, 3 domains were sold for $1, $3, and $15
In july 2017, 1 domain was sold for $19
clearly indicating that there is no problem with the quality of the domains, the domain investor is being intentionally targetted, defamed by google,tata,ntro, cbi employees with completely fake claims to cause financial losses.
It clearly indicates that a huge amount of indian tax payer money and resources are being wasted to cause great financial losses to a harmless google competitor, india’s largest female domain investor, with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai